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Fast-Fold Poker Strategy – Updated for 2024

Fast-fold poker is a popular and exciting variation of online poker that allows you to play more hands in less time. In fast-fold poker, you can fold your hand at any time and instantly move to a new table with a new hand against different opponents. It means you don't have to wait for the action to come to you, and you can avoid playing boring or marginal hands.

How to Crush Fast-Fold Poker in 2024?

In 2024 Fast-fold poker requires adjustments to your regular poker strategy, as the game dynamics differ from standard cash games. This article will give tips on how to crush fast-fold poker in 2024 and take advantage of the weaker competition and the faster pace.

1. Be Aggressive with Your Blind Steals

The most profitable opportunities in fast-fold poker is to steal the blinds from late positions. Since many players will use the fast-fold option to remove their weak hands, you often face a folded pot on the button or in the cutoff. It allows you to raise with a wide range of hands and take down the blinds uncontested.

You should also be more aggressive with your blind steals in fast-fold poker because the blinds come around more frequently. Since you play more hands per hour, you will pay more blinds in the long run. Therefore, you need to balance that out by winning more blinds yourself.

Of course, you should also know the players' tendencies in the blinds. If they are tight and passive, you can steal more often. You should tighten up and only steal with strong hands if they are loose and aggressive.

2. Don’t Waste Your Time on Fancy Plays

Fast-fold poker is not the place to try your advanced moves and tricky plays. You can't rely on metagames or psychology to influence their decisions since you don't have much history or reading about your opponents. Instead, you should focus on playing solid and straightforward poker based on the fundamentals of position, hand strength, and pot odds.

Don’t bother with slow-playing, bluffing, or check-raising in fast-fold poker unless you have a good reason to do so. Most of the time, you will be better off playing with your strong hands fast and your weak hands slow. This way, you can maximize your value from the weaker players and minimize your losses from the stronger ones.

3. Use the Fast-Fold Option Wisely

One of the main advantages of fast-fold poker is that you can use the fast-fold option to skip the hands that you don't want to play. In the long run, you can save time and money and avoid getting involved in marginal situations or facing tough decisions.

However, you should also be careful not to overuse the fast-fold option and miss out on some profitable spots. For example, you shouldn't fast-fold your small pocket pairs or suited connectors from early or middle positions, as these hands can flop very well and win big pots. You should also be more inclined to call or defend your blinds with decent hands, as you will often have good pot odds and implied odds.

The fast-fold option is a powerful tool, but you should use it with discretion and not let it make you too passive or impatient. Sometimes, seeing a flop or a turn with a marginal hand is worth it, especially if you have a position or initiative.

4. Adapt to the Increasing Tightness of Fast-Fold Poker

Adapt to the increasing tightness is one of the effects of fast-fold poker. It makes the average player tighter and more selective with their starting hands. Players can easily fold their bad hands and wait for better ones without losing time or money. As a result, the average starting hand value increases in fast-fold poker, and you will face more resistance when you enter the pot.

You need to adjust your hand selection and your post-flop play accordingly. You should be more cautious with your medium-strength hands, such as top pair or overpair, as stronger hands can easily dominate or outdraw them. You should also be more selective with your drawing hands, such as flush or straight draws, as they will have less equity and less implied odds against tighter ranges.

On the other hand, you should also be more aggressive with your premium hands, such as sets, two pairs, or straights, as they can extract more value from the tighter players. You should also be more willing to go all-in with your strong hands, as you will often get called by worse hands or draws.

5. Pay Attention to the Information from Fast-Fold Poker

Even though fast-fold poker is a fast and anonymous game, you can still gather useful information from your opponents and use it to your advantage. For example, you can use the fast-fold option to gain information from opponents who haven't used it yet. If you see a player who hasn't fast-folded yet, you can assume they have a decent hand or a strong draw and adjust your play accordingly.

You can also use the bet sizing and timing to get clues about your opponents' hand strength and tendencies. For example, if you see a player who bets very quickly or very large, you can assume they have a strong hand or a bluff and act accordingly. If you see a player who bets very slowly or very small, you can assume they have a weak or marginal hand and exploit them accordingly.

Of course, you should also be aware of your image and how your opponents perceive you. If you have been playing very tight or loose, you can use that to your advantage and mix up your play. For example, if you have been playing very tight, you can steal more blinds or bluff more often. If you have been playing very loose, you can value bet more thinly or slow-play more often.

6. Manage Your Bankroll and Variance in Fast-Fold Poker

Fast-fold poker can be very swingy and unpredictable, as you will face more variance and bad beats than in regular cash games. It is because you will play more hands, encounter more all-in situations, and face stronger ranges. Therefore, you need solid bankroll management and a strong mindset to handle the ups and downs of fast-fold poker.

You should have at least 50 buy-ins for the stakes you are playing and be ready to move down if you suffer a big loss. You should also avoid tilting and chasing your losses, as that will only worsen things. Instead, you should focus on the long-term results and the quality of your decisions rather than the short-term outcomes and the luck factor.

7. Study and Improve Your Fast-Fold Poker Skills

As you know Fast-fold poker is a challenging and competitive game, and you need to constantly study and improve your skills to stay ahead of the curve. You should review your hands and analyze your mistakes using tools like trackers, solvers, and databases. You should also learn from other successful fast-fold poker players by watching videos, reading articles, or joining coaching sessions.

As the game evolves and adapts, you should also know the latest trends and developments in fast-fold poker. You should monitor the changes in the player pool, the game dynamics, and the optimal strategies. You should also experiment with different styles and approaches and find what works best for you and your opponents.

Learn more about, Basic Online Poker Strategy & Tournament Tips

Want to crush fast-fold poker in 2024? Read our article on the latest strategy tips and tricks. Sign up now and get a free trial of our premium coaching service. Join 7xL today and level up your game!


Fast-fold poker is a thrilling and rewarding game that offers more action, fun, and profits. But to succeed in this game, you must adapt your strategy and play smart. Following the tips in this article, you can improve your skills and crush the fast-fold poker tables in 2024. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, there is always room for improvement and learning in fast-fold poker. So, don't hesitate to study, practice, and experiment with different styles and approaches. Most importantly, enjoy the game and have fun. Fast-fold poker is not only a great way to make money but also a great way to challenge yourself and have a blast.

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Fast-Fold Poker Strategy - Updated for 2024

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