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Basic Online Poker Strategy & Tournament Tips

Learn the basic online poker strategy and tournament tips that can help you win more games and money. Find out how to play smart, avoid common mistakes, and bluff like a pro. Online poker is a fun and challenging game that anyone can play with an internet connection and a device. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, online poker offers you a variety of games, formats, and stakes to suit your preferences and goals. However, to succeed in online poker, you need a solid strategy to help you make the best decisions and maximize your profits. This article will share tips and tricks to improve your online poker strategy and performance.

Basic Online Poker Strategy

Before diving into the tips for online poker tournaments, let's review some basic online poker strategy concepts that apply to any game or format. These are the fundamental skills and principles that you need to master to become a winning online poker player.

Don’t play every hand.

One of the common mistakes beginners make is playing too many hands and losing chips unnecessarily. You should be selective about the hands you play and fold the ones likely to be dominated or have little potential. A good rule of thumb is to play only about 15-20% of your hands in a full-ring game.

Pay attention to the cards on the table.

You should always be aware of the community cards and how they affect your hand and your opponent's hands. For example, if the board is very coordinated with many draws possible, you should be careful with your top pair or overpair, as someone might have a better hand or a strong draw. On the other hand, if the board is dry and unconnected, you can be more confident with your hand and value bet more aggressively.

Pay attention to the other players.

It would help if you also observed how your opponents play and tried to figure out their tendencies, styles, and patterns. For example, you can notice if someone is very loose and plays a lot of hands or very tight and only plays premium hands. You can also notice if someone is passive and calls a lot of aggressive and bets and raises a lot. By paying attention to these details, you can exploit their weaknesses and avoid their strengths.

Don't wait in a hand because you've attained scraps.

Another common mistake beginners make is thinking they must call or continue with a hand because they have already invested some chips in the pot. It is known as the sunk cost fallacy and can lead to losing more chips than necessary. You should always evaluate each decision based on the current situation and the expected value of your hand, not on past actions. If you are behind or have a negative expectation, you should fold and save your chips for a better spot.

Accomplished bluff until you comprehend how to bluff.

Bluffing is an essential part of poker but also a skill requiring much practice and experience. Beginners often bluff too much or too little at the wrong times or against opponents. You should only bluff when you have a good reason to do so, such as having a credible story, a blocker, fold equity, or a good read on your opponent. You should also avoid bluffing against players who are very loose, passive, or stubborn, as they are more likely to call you down with weak hands.

Don’t play poker in a bad mood.

Poker requires a lot of mental focus, discipline, and emotional control. If you are angry, sad, tired, or distracted, you are likelier to make poor decisions, tilt, or lose motivation. You should only play poker when you are in a good mood and have a positive mindset. If you feel any negative emotions, you should take a break and return when you feel better.

Don’t play drunk.

It should be obvious, but some players still think that playing poker while drinking alcohol is a good idea. Alcohol impairs your judgment, memory, and concentration and makes you more prone to making mistakes, spewing chips, or losing control. You should never play poker while drunk or even while slightly buzzed. You should always play poker while sober, alert, and focused.

Play at a level that suits you.

You should always play at a level that matches your skill, experience, and bankroll. You should not play at a too high level for you, as you will face tougher opponents, higher variance, and more pressure. You should also not play at a level that is too low for you, as you will get bored, lose interest, or develop bad habits. You should play at a level that challenges you but allows you to learn, improve, and have fun.

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Frequently Asked Questions about online poker strategy

Here are some frequently asked questions about Basic Online Poker Strategy & Tournament Tips:

1: How do I choose the best hands to play in a poker tournament?

A: You should play hands with high card strength, good playability, and positive expected value. The exact range of hands depends on your position, stack size, and opponents.

2: How do I bluff effectively in a poker tournament?

A: You should bluff when you have a good reason to do so, such as having a credible story, a blocker, fold equity, or a good read on your opponent. You should also avoid bluffing against players who are very loose, passive, or stubborn.

3: How do I adjust to different stages of a poker tournament?

A: You should play more aggressively in the late stages of the tournament, as the blinds and antes increase and the stacks get shallower. You should also take more chances in bounty tournaments, where eliminating a player gives you an extra reward.


This article taught you the basic online poker strategy and tournament tips. These guidelines will help you play smarter, avoid mistakes, and bluff better. Your work is relevant for anyone who wants to improve their poker skills and have fun. Check out the web search results for more information and tips.

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Basic Online Poker Strategy & Tournament Tips

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